Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Phone Calls

Dear Soldier,
I got to talk to you tonight! It was Christmas morning for you, and the eve of Christmas for me, but it was by far my best Christmas present this year. I knew I missed you, but I didn't realize quite how much until I heard your voice.

Any anger I had towards you from the past, slipped slowly away as I heard you talk, and the ease of our conversation soothed my mind. Have you noticed how well our conversations flow? I thought it would make our time unbearable to be reminded of how well we are together, but it some how eases my mind. Like somehow I wasnt imagining it. That we really do have something special. I love you. I always will.. I'm sure that it was silly rushing into things the way we did. Yet, thats the thing with feelings, you just cant control them.

So there I was unsure of how I feel, or why I felt it. Until tonight.... When I heard your voice drip through my speakers. Some how relieving me of the questions. There still there, but the weight of them doesn't seem quite so heavy. I know now that, no matter what I have you. That I may not have what I thought I wanted, but things happen for a reason. I wouldn't give up having you in my life for anything!

I know you said that you're hateing Christmas there. That you want to punch the next guy that wishes you a Merry Christmas, but I really hope that you do... have a Merry Christmas. That something today, fills your heart with joy. Maybe think about me Kissing you under the mistle toe.

Maybe when you're home, we'll have to celebrate all the holidays you'll have missed. We could have turkey for lunch, kiss under mistle toe, and drink champagne and make out like mad! (do you see a theme here.. a whole lot of kissing!) I think it sounds like a really fabulous day... but better yet, lets make it a week, I think I'll want to take my time with EVERY SINGLE make-shift holiday!

Merry Christmas Baby, and I promise you'll get my present soon. I really hope you enjoy it, and all the hand written letters! (that smell just like me, I promise!)

Love you,